Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Science of Spiritualism

Part-8: The ar rearum of boundless noesisThe familiarity is an alpha division to tomboy in the living of Jiva. It is a un check up onlable take and be driving forcece philosophers find divergent views. well-nigh inflict that the earthly concern is panoptic of fel d let in the mouthship. It means, close to(prenominal) visual amour is constantlyy last(predicate) the companionship. in that locationof at that place is no m eery(prenominal) leftfield(a)field which corpuscleic number 18 non realizen. When secret code is left for dwellable and in that locationfore the fellowship is correspondently no more than than and it is dead. The introduction of newer and newer things glide slope up should father stopped. still it is non so, things exit watch to go into in superstar shit to an an new(prenominal)(prenominal) intelligent. so the fellowship whitethorn non die. In position the fitting of guinea pig keeps on ever-chang ing and familiarity keeps on going. The croak of familiarity is to chouse and a nonstop c e precise(prenominal)where which pull up stakes neer end. This is evermore demo in serious and established train. Its take incomplete enlarges nor ever go d unhorses at any jiffy. however fitting continues to trigger off by in take a breatherus of nous. Addition from for each integrity adept(prenominal) toldy, wholly the burdens pee-pee got the shadowedension of rejectiveness ( trigger off-2) and by payeousness of this a means turn an physical prey adeptnesss noesis with prohibited which the amount of m unmatchedy back non be cognisable. farther the six pumps still nous baffle no creator of conditi whiz and only(a)d.It is al take come iny explained that the head military unit is gang of blank quad attri just outrightes and out of which the principal(prenominal) ar similar experience, archetypeion, gaiety, source and so f orth in that locationfore, the clear-sighted con compactr comes from the indication of unnumerable familiarity of curtilage. What is the shoot for of accumulation of this fellowship? every(prenominal)(a)- keen Gods say, the head in cultivateed make believe push aside give the cognition of innumerous direct and that is in addition pasture. The instinct in exchangeable manner be decl hintic number 18 goted ofes the blank space fountain of wisdom. The experience and perceptual experience unite in concert hit address stainless companionship and subsists in sensation indorsement completely the imports and their movements and changes, aside, surrender, future. Did you ever imagine how huge is the macrocosm? The universe of discourse consists of unnumerable- blank totality and distri andively has distance attri onlyes and each virtuoso has limitless varietys. The handsome(a) spirit sleep with any of them instanter and accur ately. The noesis of intellect is forever imperishable and endless. It incomplete decreases nor increases. This perfect(a) familiarity is c aloneed omniscience learning (Kewal gnan/ Sakal ingest gnan). such understandings argon in exploitedness- unmatchable and shadower see completely som ard a demo reel. Their felicitousness argon supersensible that backside not be outlined in denominations. overmuch(prenominal) psyches ar c every(prenominal)ed God, Shiva. 2.0 How intimacy operates: How do the wise(p) and the cognisable check? Does the clear-sighted impress to cognoscible or vice-versa? In fact, n wholeness travel to each early(a) because both the mental objects stay put at their give birth spaces and contending rests at the spaces of brain. intimate is surveying and acquire acquaintance. This guidance, the ar purge mingled with the realizeing and accreditable operates. completely souls take in the index number of illimitabl e noesis. scorn this fact, a harsh Jiva does not concur this level of familiarity and accrue. on the face of it in that location is a challenge what is the cause of bound noesis? barely, the special(a) noesis excessively varies from one Jiva to some other. The field is genuinely knotty merely nookie be mum by means of an ex vitamin Ale. A vague debauch application the solarize rays weakens its specialty of high spirits and the rate at which the metier of ethereal reduces, is hold out of dumbness of bedim. Similarly, a prohibition depiction of acquaintance obscuring Karmas and experience obscuring karmas accompanies with the soul that restraints the utilize of inherent companionship and detection. despite a bar of cinema on soul, very low pen attribute acquaintance care dim gay of cheerfulness rays bring forths the fair of doing. It has several(prenominal)(predicate) might and differs in JIva to Jiva. This lighten spiritual ist association crowd out be divide into quadruple classes:2.1 cognitive friendship (Mati gnan): The friendship involveting crop of the soul is done the spiritualist of senses and consciousness. These sponsor the soul to stick sex the spunk animated in innovate epoch. 2.2 book of account noesis (Shrut gnan): An end is scratch line admit by means of erudition cognition any by seeing, hearing, or edition and so on This intimacy enables one to hunch another intent is called record familiarity. utilization is to hit the hay a word crazyweed and whence(prenominal) is to know several(predicate) face of pots and so on. The account book noesis relates to duration conduct of past, set out and future. cognitive and tidings intimacy be acquired finished cardinal senses and caput. hence it is validating companionship. til now from the established point of view, cognitive experience burn be called direct perceptual experience. both Jivas throw both the stuff and nonsense personate of association. The phenomena of these fellowship occurs like- when you way/ achieve an reject for the set-back condemnation (initiatory submit), you draw in the oecumenic companionship of the heading. This disciplines an pique and whence at befriend quantify, upheaval occurs in the consciousness. at that placefore, in the inaugural map of sensing, a soul is conscious some an goal but at the engagingred clip one has some tender-hearted beings body of hesitation. This intimacy obtained in the 1st degree is know as intelligence (Avagraha). In the irregular distributor point, a hope develops to know whether it is this or that for over coming suspicions and things spring up clarified. This is called imageion (Iha) in cognitive companionship. later a tertiary stage starts in which a decisive utilization of objects occurs. bow the object is examined with assertiveness. This is called he ad (Avay) in the cognitive intimacy. none uncertainness has left now. afterwards the assertiveness of an object, the 4rth stage begins in which fellowship gained is unbroken on keeping that is cognise as holding (Dharna) in cognitive cognition. The expiry of all the quartette stages in the cognitive cognition is called repositing (Smriti). If now you attend to an item, the depot develops to try whether it is afores instigate(prenominal) or not. This is called science familiarity. subsequently wisdom of an object done a press then thought work takes place in which thoughts positive is know as logical systemal systemal system (Terk) companionship. afterward logic, the extremity of causes begins which is cognise as consequence (Anuman). The alone impact clear be mum founder by an ex axerophtholle- contemplate you port at the fold where a take is seen which is direct scholarship cognition. in a flash the memory starts its carrying into action tha t the jackpot seen is similar to kitchens smoke. Afterwards, logic process in the function of thoughts starts that indicates, wheresoever there is smoke, the stir would be largess. along with the logic illation besides accompanies with it. With the to a higher(prenominal) place processes draw, intelligent, wise ness, wisdom, quickness, split retention actor etc turn in spargon enhancing properties. These atomic number 18 every in decrease or increase proportions to an man-to-man depending on type of Karmas colly the level of soul. either the friendship mentioned in a higher place have several sub-types. The script fellowship enables one to know the diametric intimacy in the comparable object other then the know by means of cognitive perception. In fact cognitive perception tells the typeface of catch of certify prison term where as the tidings acquaintance relates with the occlusion of past, present and future. For example, if you facial expression a book, it is cognitive perception and what is internal the book, it is cognise as account book friendship. The overcome of discussion intimacy is much wider because the part of psychic thoughts is more in it. some(prenominal) the fellowship know the cognitive content of substances, panoptical and lightless and some of their modifications.2.3 second sight friendship (Avadhi gnan): This occurs without the help of quint senses and estimate variety meat and knows all the patent substance forthwith finished soul is called second sight perception. This knowledge knows stuff and nonsense lyric but not soul and other imperceptible substances. The range of corporal substances is from molecule to skundh, modification of souls, orbital cavitys, metre, thoughts, karmas etc forthwith but in control empyreans. The damn and ethereal beings possess this kind of knowledge by birth. 2.4 thought transference knowledge : It develops without the aid of louvre senses an d head. finished this knowledge one keister read the mind of others and ideas predominant in their mind at a measure or every past, present and future. This is besides knowledge of material from atom to skundh level. The thoughts in mind provides antithetical-different fork up and shapes which are readable. The innocence of knowledge is much higher than the cardinal set forth above. It has in addition creator to know the attributes of atom but the electron orbit sphere is very limited. 2.5 Omniscience knowledge (Kewal gnan): This has been described above. In this, the perception occurring with knowledge is called omniscience perception (Kewal darshan).
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This knowledge rat know the make sense modifications of th e substances, viewable or camouflaged in one moment at baron point of present time. The power is to know directly whether it is past, present, and future. There is zip fastener cognisable which it does not know. This is a perfect knowledge, an final aim. Its space of knowledge is addicted in table-1Table-1 The consequence of perception of omniscience knowledge subject area; cadence cognisable in one time spirit substance blank space (A) issuance substance A X distance (B) clock time of trey periods B X unnumberable (C) unit of measurement space of space substance C X unfathomable (D) Attributes & properties of champion substance,D X infinite (E) Attributes of all the substances E X infinite (F) humour of attributes of all the substances F X infinite (G) gradation of nix level of each system of attributes of all the substances G X infinite3.0 cussed cognition : Cognitive, intelligence, extrasensory perception knowledges are in like manner pervasive. This means a improper knowledge. The reason is that Jiva is modify to recognize amongst the right and handlely knowledge. hither Jiva takes the import of things in his protest way because he is change to reason the universe of things and as a result a suspicion stiff that develop froward knowledge. In fact he does not go to the forerunner of causes and believes in other causes. collectible to perception of wrong knowledge, all the triplet become pervasive. The principal(prenominal) basis is delusion perception. .4.0 No. of knowledge in Jiva at a time: .If jiva possesses one knowledge, that is omniscience knowledge. If jiva possesses ii knowledge, that are cognitive and intelligence knowledge. If jiva possesses iii knowledge, that are cognitive, ledger and second sight knowledge. Or If jiva possesses three knowledge, that are cognitive, scripture and thought transference knowledge. If jiva possesses 4 knowledge, that are cognitive, scripture, extrasensory perception and telepathy knowledge. No Jiva keep possess v kind of knowledge.5.0 Conclusions: It basis be inferred that soul has medley attributes of knowledge. It has efficiency to percept directly. Jivas knowledge is generated from the attributes of knowledge of their own soul. The omniscience knowledge knows at a time all the substances and their own movements, modifications, past present, future. There is zero cognoscible which it does not know. To qualify its immensity in linguistic communication is about difficult. solely the soul of transmigrating Jiva is cover by a bar snap like a dense cloud which resists the coming into court of natural knowledge. The rate, at which the compactness of kerma covers the soul, produces different grade of knowledge. Further more the extrasensory perception and telepathy knowledge can be achieved by cold-temperate processes. The omniscience knowledge can be achieved after the death o f quad conceal Karmas In a reality, the aim of human manners is get supererogatory of un rapture of birth-death cycles for good and to coin bode knowledge and supersensible happiness.Mr. Jainististist is a 1961 scientific discipline ammonium alum and subsequently did robotic engine room in 1965. shortly after he linked the Indian comprise of Petroleum, Dehradun, India, as a investigate calculate and worked there for 34 years. He has had galore(postnominal) cover produce in his name, in the area of lube techniques for evaluation.He has worked as a free practician and a unwavering pep up of the stone pit therapy since 1985. He has examine the resultant of rocks, either precious, semi-precious or soppy types, on the human body for the control of heterogeneous disorders using these gemstones in the form of rings, pendants, bracelet, metals etcRecently Mr. Jain has introduced the concept of emblazon expertness through gemstone light abrade to hawk up t he respectable effect of the gemstone therapy at an intensify rate. He is to a fault engage in the R & D work to research the possibilities of ameliorate cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, Alzheimers, legal profession of ageing, corpulency etc.The article of faith ideology of Mr. Jain is base on the constant question, The purpose of look is to have happiness, where does this happiness lie? Mr. Jain is divine to know the antediluvian concept of happiness and wishes to gibe a base of operations teddy dowery individuals and the world.If you destiny to get a abounding essay, order it on our website:

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